Miracle’s Bush

Gotta love Miracle. She’s a super super sweet paint horse we got from a boarder AGES ago. She is the boss mare around the ranch, and is very respected by the herd. She also happens to be one of our best kid horses. This little piece of information will be very important in about 4 sentences. Every trail ride we go on, we go through a valley that some power lines run over. There’s a little creek that runs along it, and it’s SUPER pretty in the morning and evenings. Along the path, there is a huge red berry bush that kind of sticks out. On about 96% of the rides we go on, Miracle takes the initiative to relieve the seemingly never-ending itch on her butt in this very bush. To do this she will stop in the middle of the trail, ignore the small child that is on her back kicking her forward as hard as they can (which is, in all honesty, not very hard), and back so far into the bush it looks like the bush EATS the rider. I’m not joking. I thought we lost one of the camp kids last year. I looked behind me, about to warn the doe-eyed girl that her horse was gonna start acting weird and all I saw was Miracle’s head sticking out of a huge berry bush. She was literally sitting down like a dog. This normally would have been hilarious, although right behind her bush is about a 6 foot drop off down to the creek… I had no idea how eroded the ground was from the creek, so I had to quickly turn my horse around to grab Miracle’s halter to pull her up. Talk about an adrenaline rush! I totally could have lifted a car after if I had to.